Events & News

Lampsilis annual mission

The Réseau maritime maritime, supported by the Odyssée Saint-Laurent research program, is launching a call for intentions for the scientific mission that will take place during the summer of 2020 on the prestigious research vessel Lampsilis. The second edition of the Lampsilis annual mission (MAL) will take place from July 20 to August 19, 2020 on the fluvial section and the estuarine transition zone of the St. Lawrence. Two main lines of research will be carried out: monitoring of water quality and monitoring of biological communities. Other research objectives may also be proposed.

You will find detailed call documents, including information on the proposed geographic areas, on the Quebec Maritime Network website, “Calls” section.

Researchers interested in joining these initiatives must complete the appropriate forms available for download and return them to Marie-Pier St-Onge before March 31, 2020.