Events & News

Capitale-Nationale Public Health Conference

Don't miss this conference on ReachForWater, a catalytic movement to love, think and act on water, a common good.

Speaker: Michel Lucas, Doctor of Epidemiology, ReachForWater Principal Researcher, Associate Professor, Department of Social and Preventive Medicine, Laval University, Researcher, Population Health and Best Health Practices (SP-POS), CHU de Québec - Université Laval , Visiting Scientist, Department of nutrition, Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health.

Summary: After air, water is the most precious element. Without water, no life! Water is a recognized right (United Nations) and must be accessible to all, free of charge. Why then pay for bottled water? Why pay for something harmful to our health and that of the planet? Available in non-reusable plastic bottles, bottled water and sugary drinks are unreasonably accessible scourges. ReachForWater wants to change this status quo.

By Webinar (In French):

The documentation related to this conference (summary and objectives of the conference, attendance sheet, link to replay of previous conferences, annual program and information on upcoming conferences) can be found on the web page of scientific conferences in Capitale-Nationale public health.