Events & News

New scientific coordinator for the Axis Uses of Water

05 May 2021

Congratulations to Romain Philippe who has been appointed scientific coordinator for the Uses of Water research axis. His mission will be to support the two axis responsibles, Rimeh Daghrir and Manuel Rodriguez, on a part-time basis, for the scientific animation of this axis!

As part of his duties, his role will be to:

  • Highlight existing projects and linkage between current projects
  • Lead research activities such as scientific workshops, reading clubs, training, etc.
  • List the research needs of research partners
  • Inventory existing research infrastructures and promote their use
  • Assist in the drafting of projects/grant applications and literature review
  • Monitor funding opportunities/grant programs

We would like to thank Thomas Maere for his outstanding work, and wish him all the best in his future projects!